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Great and bad OBS versus placebo was measured by way of a dysphagia symptom score determined from patient daily responses for the electronic Dysphagia Symptom Questionnaire (DSQ) tool and by evaluating the modification in eosinophilic inflammation in biopsy samples through the esophagus at the start and end of treatment. ghd eclipse price 09 Meritage intends to present all of the results for an appropriate medical meeting sooner or later. "Combined with this first Phase 2b trial, we've robust data demonstrating the opportunity for oral budesonide suspension to be a therapeutic option for the larger and growing EoE patient population that lacks an approved medication."Meritage initial 12 week Phase 2 placebo controlled dose ranging trial evaluating 71 pediatric patients met the combined primary endpoint of lowering of esophageal eosinophilia and improvement in clinical symptom score as assessed by ghd eclipse price 09 way of the treating physician..

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