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Q: Exactly what is Devic s disease? Could it be some sort of ms?A: Doctors Devic and Gault first described Devic s disease (now called neuromyelitis optica or NMO) in 1894 from other experience within 16 patients. NMO is a rare disease on the central nervous system, affecting about 4000 ghd airgun depot videos Americans each and every year. It's distinctive from MS in this: No specific antigen (the substance that provokes an immune response) have been identified for MS, playing with NMO it is known that normal aquaporin 4 molecules are misidentified as foreign cells by the body s immune system; the NMO IgG antibody the cause of this autoimmune ghd abs keyboard 105 response has become identified, and it is seen in 70 % of patients with NMO yet not in MS patients..

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wards culture, character, and competency on the planet simply because it relates to the objective of Jesus Christ. Apostle Jerry A.

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